

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買!!!
但一罐 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買真的讓我省超多的不如直接買 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買就看這裡
找尋 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • #1 Physician Recommended Brand
  • #1 Selling Brand
  • Isotonic Hypertonic (with 2 or more Packets)
  • 240 ml (8 fl oz) Volume Capacity
  • Drug Free
  • No Burning
  • All Natural
  • Preservative Free

Contents: One NasaFlo & 50 Premixed Packets - Makes 12,000 mL (400 fl oz) of Solution

  • 1 NasaFlo neti pot irrigation device 240 ml (8 fl oz)
  • 50 Packets of USP grade (purity level 99% or higher) sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate mixture (pH balanced, natural ingredients, isotonic, preservative & iodine free)
  • Educational brochure with directions for use

Use For:

  • Nasal allergies, dryness & hay fever
  • Sinus pressure & nasal stuffiness
  • Nasal symptoms from flu & cold
  • Nasal irritation from occupational & house dust, fumes, animal dander, grass, pollen, smoke, etc.
  • Post-nasal drip & nasal congestion


  • Easy flow, no spill, no mess pot design
  • Premixed packets of all natural, USP grade (purity level 99% or higher) sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate
  • Each packet makes a soothing, no burning or stinging solution with 240 mL (8 fl oz) of water
  • The solution is pH balanced and isotonic; or hypertonic (with 2 or more packets)
  • Preservative, drug, iodine, BPA, gluten and latex-free
  • Suitable for use after sinus surgery and during pregnancy
  • Consult your physician with concerns
  • Convenient for travel

The NasaFlo Neti Pot allows for a smooth gravity flow that does not create any pressure in the nasal passage, ears or sinuses. For adults & children 4 years and up.

  1.  Please wash your hands and rinse the device. Fill the Nasaflo with 240 mL (8 fl oz) of lukewarm distilled, filtered or previously boiled water. Please do not use tap or faucet water to dissolve the mixture unless it has been previously boiled and cooled down. You may warm the water in a microwave, but we recommend that you warm it in increments of 5 to 10 seconds to avoid overheating, damaging the device or scalding your nasal passage.
  2. Cut the sinus rinse mixture packet at the corner and pour contents into the pot. Tighten the lid on the device securely. Place one finger over the hole of the cap and shake the device gently to dissolve the mixture.
  3. Standing in front of a sink, bend forward to your comfort level and tilt your head to one side. Keeping your mouth open, and without holding your breath, apply the tip of the device snugly against your nasal passage and allow the solution to gently flow until the solution starts draining from the opposite nasal passage. Use roughly half the solution in the Nasaflo (120 mL / 4 fl oz). It should not enter your mouth unless you are tilting your head backwards. To adjust or stop the flow, you may place your finger over the hole of the cap, and depending on the seal, you may be able to control the flow.
  4.  Blow your nose very gently, without pinching nose completely to avoid pressure on eardrums. If tolerable, sniff in gently any residual solution remaining in the nasal passage once or twice, because this may clean out the posterior nasopharyngeal area, which is the area at the back of your nasal passage. At times, some solution will reach the back of your throat, so please spit it out. For Nasaflo users, to help drain any residual solution, blow your nose gently while tilting your head forward and to the same side of the nasal passage you just rinsed.
  5. Now repeat steps 3 & 4 on your other nasal passage. If there is any solution left over, please discard it. We recommend you make a fresh solution each time you rinse. Rinse once or twice daily or as directed by your physician.

Please read Warning before using. Our recommendation is to replace Neti Pot every three months.


Important: NeilMed Sinus Rinse Mixture Packets should be used with NeilMed 240 mL (8 fl oz) NasaFlo to achieve the best results. You may use NeilMed packets with other irrigation devices, as long as you mix with the correct volume of water. Our recommendation is to replace Neti Pot every three months.

 中華西一街NeilMed, 鼻順通,洗鼻壺,1 壺加50個預混藥包哪裡買

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