
Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支心得
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Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支商品
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Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支
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烏頭(舟型烏頭) 30X
- 順勢療法
- 順勢療法藥物
- 感冒& 發燒
- 對死亡的焦慮,不安,害怕,經常說自己快要死瞭。
- 突然開始發燒,坐立不安,焦慮,發熱,皮膚幹燥,情緒激動。
- 咳嗽;從睡夢中咳嗽醒來,害怕(所有人。)
- 因疼痛而變得狂亂,情緒無法平靜
- 早期感冒,特別是感冒,吹風後
- 頭暈
- 順勢療法
- 順勢療法藥物
- 挫傷&肌肉酸痛
- 挫傷,受傷,流血
- 甚至有助於緩解老傷
- 工作或運動引起的酸痛,有助於";脛腓骨疲勞性骨膜炎" 疼痛.
- 分娩後造成的肌肉酸痛,同樣適合嬰兒分娩損傷
- 一直適合牙科手術後使用
- 抱怨床太硬,想要回傢,說自己沒有問題。
- 順勢療法
- 順勢療法藥物
- 發燒& 炎癥
- 激動,坐立不安,捶打床,傷害自己。
- 眼睛發光,瞳孔放大,怕光,輕微光線也無法忍受
- 皮膚發熱,幹燥,發紅
- 困倦但無法入睡,失眠,休息不好,睡眠時抽搐。
- 悸動疼痛,腦袋或耳朵,經常是右耳,特別是耳朵濕瞭以後。
- 有時會造成牙齒疼痛,癥狀一致。
- 中暑會引起這些癥狀,心跳沉重。
- 感冒,流感,頭痛,耳朵痛,發燒,喉嚨痛。
- 有人跳上床時的聲音刺痛。
- 順勢療法
- 含有山金車
- 挫傷
- 炎癥
- 緩解摔倒或撞擊帶來的疼痛
- 不要將Bumps擦傷藥膏塗抹於擦傷皮膚
- 順勢療法
- 順勢療法藥物
- 長牙期& 應激性
- 敏感,易怒,急躁。
- 不間斷發作;暴力行為。
- 無法忍受疼痛,任何事情都很難忍受。
- 頭暈疼痛,有時出汗疼痛。
- 牙齒疼痛,咀嚼,咬合,尖叫,可能會有發燒。
- 疝氣,咆哮。
- 牙痛時腹瀉呈綠色。
- 冷時牙痛會好些,熱的時候,喝咖啡和熱飲時會變遭。晚上會更糟。
- 面部發紅,其他時候蒼白,發冷。
- 口渴,但拒絕喝水。
- 順勢療法
- 順勢藥物
- 發燒& 炎癥
一款"早期" 療法; 其他療法沒有明顯效果,適合疾病的初級階段。
- 適合任何炎癥反應的初級階段如感冒,咳嗽,耳朵痛。
- 逐漸開始,發燒,伴隨急性但微弱的脈搏(與烏頭草,顛茄不同)。
- 蒼白,面色發紅,以及不自然的發紅。
- 嚴重咳嗽,幹燥,喉嚨或胸部發癢,伴有咳嗽。
- 心跳頭痛,冷敷後緩解。
- 右邊的癥狀會更加糟糕,晚間,運動的時候癥狀也會更加糟糕。
- 早上4點到6點癥狀會有所好轉,觸摸涼爽時癥狀會好一些。
- 順勢療法
- 順勢療法
- 發燒 & 炎癥
- 發抖出汗,出汗引起的異味。對棉國過敏,必須用出汗掩蓋。
- 心理生理上的敏感,輕微疼痛引起的眩暈。
- 暴露在冷風中打噴嚏,鼻腔暢通但稍後會有泛黃的鼻涕。
- 鼻腔堵塞,無法用鼻子呼吸,經常抽鼻子。
- 喉嚨發癢,堵塞感覺像卡瞭魚刺,或粗糙如稻谷一樣的東西。
- 吞咽時感覺耳朵疼痛,喉嚨疼痛。
- 幹燥,咳嗽嘶啞,經常無法發聲。身體裸露時咳嗽會變嚴重。
- 咳嗽,聲音不清晰。
烏頭成人: 舌下含服4片,每天四次。
兒童: 2片或2片以上。
成人: 舌下含服4片,每天4次。
兒童: 2片或2片以上。
成人: 舌下含服4片,每天4次。
兒童: 2片或2片以上。
Bumps 'N 挫傷膏
兒童: 2片或以上。
Ferrum Phosphoricum
兒童: 2片或以上。
Hepar Sulph. C.
Aconite (Aconitum Napellus)In a base of La衣服 流汗 臭味ctose N.F.
Arnica (Arnica Montana)
In a base of Lactose N.F.
In a base of Lactose N.F.
Bumps 'N Bruises Ointment
Formula: An extract of Arnica Montana 1X HPUS in a base of Petrolatum, USP, Beeswax, NF, Methylparaben, NF and Propylparaben, NF.
In a base of Lactose N.F.
Ferrum Phosphoricum
In a base of Lactose N.F.
Hepar Sulph. C.
In a base of Lactose N.F.
Aconite (Aconitum Napellus)Do not use if cap band is missing or broken. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care professional before using this product. If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.
To be used according to label indications and/or standard homeopathic indications.
Arnica (Arnica Montana)
Do not use if cap band is missing or broken. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care professional before using this product. If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.
To be used according to label indications and/or standard homeopathic indications.
Do not use if cap band is missing or broken. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care professional before using this product. If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.
To be used according to label indications and/or standard homeopathic indications.
Bumps 'N Bruises Ointment
Do not use on broken skin.
Do not use if tamper band is broken or missing. For external use only. If symptoms persist for more than 7 days or worsen, consult a licensed health care professional. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health care professional before using this product. In case of accidental 女內褲overdose, contact a poison control center immediately. In case of emergency, the manufacturer may be reached 24 hours a day.
Do not use if cap band is missing or broken. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care professional before using this product. If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.
To be used according to label indications and/or standard homeopathic indications.
Ferrum Phosphoricum
Do not use if cap band is missing or broken. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care professional before using this product. If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.
To be used according to label indications and/or standard homeopathic indications.
Hepar Sulph. C.
Do not use if cap band is missing or broken. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care professional before using this product. If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.
To be used according to label indications and/or standard homeopathic indications.
訪問制造商的網站 Kids Kit Contains: Aconite 30X, Arnica 30X, Belladonna 30 X, Chamomilla 30X, Ferrum Phos. 30X, Hepar Sulph. 30X, Bump's and BruisesOintment.

Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支商品
Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支商品
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、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支新北
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支桃園
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支新竹
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支苗栗
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、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支南投
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支雲林
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支嘉義
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支台南
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支高雄
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支哪裡買
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支哪裡有
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支經銷據點
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支百貨
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支屏東
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支宜蘭
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支花蓮
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支台東
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支澎湖
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支金門
、Hyland's, 順勢療法純天然常備藥品套裝, 7支馬祖