

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價!!!
但一罐 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價真的讓我省超多的不如直接買 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價就看這裡
找尋 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • 給生活充電 - 就用黃金裝!
  • 能量補充
  • 抗氧化營養 - ORAC值2500
  • 保證充滿能量
  • 含濃縮全食品
  • 含巴西莓、白藜蘆醇、維生素D3、維生素K2、輔酶Q10和120多種全食品!
  • 無麩質
  • 素食
  • 低變應原



生命之源代表全食品多維素補充的下一個質的飛躍。今天,生命之源黃金裝建立在天然營養技術之上,融入Nature's Plus開創性的生命之源、紅色生命之源和超級生命之源配方。


每日維生素完整構成 -完整的高效力維生素,具有以下功能:

  • 維生素B12 - 900微克,提供特殊的血液支持
  • 維生素A(β-胡蘿卜素和源自螺旋藻及鹽生杜氏藻的混合類胡蘿卜素) - 維生素A的天然來源,包括多種類胡蘿卜素輔助因子,活性卓越
  • 維生素C(抗壞血酸;酯化C [抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯]) - 采用新方法濃縮有機種植印度餘甘子漿果維生素C,天然制成有機黃金標準維生素C。天然抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯提高維生素C活性。
  • 維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)- 1000國際單位維生素素食D3最大程度提高骨骼、免疫和整體健康,優於其他多維素。
  • 維生素K2 - 支持血液和骨骼構造,甲萘醌-4( M4)和甲萘醌-7(M7)是生物利用度最高的兩種維生素K2形式,效力無與倫比。
  • 有機黃金標準B族維生素 - 通過創新方法濃縮有機羅勒、檸檬、番石榴中的水溶性維生素,獲得B族維生素混合,功效前所未有。

抗衰老復合物 - 無與倫比的抗衰老抗氧化支持,取自功效強大的巴西莓、反式白藜蘆醇、輔酶Q10、谷胱甘肽、NAC(N-乙酰半胱氨酸)、MSM(甲基磺酰基甲烷)、R-硫辛酸和硫辛酸。

全食物PhytoAlgae - 現在加入標準濃度螺旋藻:15%[120毫克]藻藍蛋白、800微克玉米黃質、8毫克葉綠素

有機香菇混合 - 取自經認證的有機全食物蘑菇的微量營養素,增強免疫力

全食物ω脂肪酸 - 奇亞籽、螺旋藻、葵花子、黑加侖、琉璃苣、亞麻,每份含85毫克ω和其他健康脂肪酸,其中包括35毫克ω-3必需脂肪酸(EFA)

超過120種多彩水果和蔬菜 - Nature's Plus率先在維生素和礦物質補充劑添加全食物植物營養素。全食物功效始終是生命之源品牌的基石。生命之源金裝產品系列以外,沒有什麼能如此滿腔熱情生產如此豐富的產品來踐行這一概念。生命之源金裝產品利用世界上最好的綠色、紅色、藍色、黃色和白色水果和蔬菜超過120種全食物濃縮劑和提取物,提供充滿能量、提升健康的植物營養功效。

全食物纖維復合物 - 這種富含纖維的多功能專利濃縮物含有天然蘋果果膠、阿拉伯半乳聚糖、改良柑橘果膠、可溶性燕麥麩和亞麻,能幫助促進排毒,增強活力。

有機結合礦物質 - 每份生命之源黃金裝提供一系列專門有機結合的礦物質,包括全糙米氨基酸螯合物,吸收性能卓越。


酵素配方 - 消化酶幫助人體吸收並最大程度利用我們所吃的事物。生命之源黃金裝包含具有營養釋放功能的完整全食物酶:

  • 蛋白酶(含菠蘿蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶)消化蛋白質
  • 脂肪酶消化脂肪
  • 淀粉酶消化碳水化合物
  • Activessence釋放全食物中的植物營養素

氨基酸 - 超過500毫克氨基酸 提高強度和活力:所有必需和非必需氨基酸的完整系列,取自螺旋藻、全食物植物藻類、奇亞籽和礦物質aminoates

ORAC值2500 - 氧自由基吸收能力是抗氧化活性的衡量標準





Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silica and pharmaceutical glaze.

Free from artificial colors and preservatives. Free from the common allergens yeast, wheat, soy and milk.



Serving Size: 6 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving %DV
Calories 5
Protein 1 g
Vitamin A (as beta carotene, from spirulina and Dunaliella salina: beta carotene, alpha carotene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein) 15,000 IU 300%
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid; esterified C [ascorbyl palmitate]; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 1010 mg 1683%
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 1000 IU 250%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 250 IU 833%
Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-4 and menaquinone-7) 100 mcg 125%
Thiamin (as thiamine HCl; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 30 mg 2000%
Riboflavin (as riboflavin; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 30 mg 1764%
Niacin (as niacinamide; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 125 mg 625%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 30 mg 1500%
Folic Acid (as folic acid; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 425 mcg 106%
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 1000 mcg 16,667%
Biotin 300 mcg 100%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate; naturally occurring from Organic Gold Standard‡‡) 125 mg 1250%
Calcium (as organic chelates from Spirulina platensis, D. salina; complex) 250 mg 25%
Iodine (from kelp, potassium iodide) 150 mcg 100%
Magnesium (as aminoate** complex) 125 mg 31%
Zinc (as aminoate** complex, picolinate) 15 mg 100%
Selenium (as aminoate** complex) 70 mcg 100%
Copper (chlorophyllin; as aminoate** complex) 4.5 mg 225%
Manganese (as aminoate** complex) 4 mg 200%
Chromium (as aminoate** complex) 120 mcg 100%
Potassium (as aminoate** complex, naturally occurring from spirulina) 60 mg 2%
Whole Food PhytoAlgae & Organic Mushroom Blend‡‡
(Std. 15% [120 mg] phycocyanins, 0.1% [800 mcg] zeaxanthin, 1% [8 mg] chlorophyll) - Proprietary complex of spirulina, Phenalgin (std. polyphenols calc. as phlorotannins), chlorella, cryptomondales, red kelp, brown kelp, ulva, red seaweed (Irish moss), dulse, rockweed; Mushrooms: wood ear, cordyceps, maitake, shiitake, oyster mushroom, white wood ear
800 mg
Multi Color Whole Food Blend
‡‡Organic Gold Standard Whole Food Complex (guava, holy basil, lemon, amla fruit) (standardized naturally occurring B complex and vitamin C)
725 mg
Energizing and Cleansing Green Whole Food Blend
Cooked whole brown rice, spirulina, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), bee pollen, camu-camu, alfalfa sprout, barley grass juice, beet greens, cabbage, parsley, celery seed, papaya, broccoli, spinach, milk thistle, Chinese green tea leaf (decaffeinated), turmeric, Korean ginseng, astragalus, Echinacea purpurea, thyme, ligustrum berry, rice bran
(300 mg)
Strength and Endurance White Whole Food Blend
White nectarine, white peach, white fig, date, banana, potato, white pear, white tea, jicama, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnip, turnip, cauliflower, ginger, kohlrabi, shallot, garlic, onion, lemon, oat bran, citrus pectin
(120 mg)
Defense and Repair Yellow Whole Food Blend
Carrot, mango, grapefruit, yellow apple, pear, honeydew melon, pineapple, yellow squash, golden kiwi, nectarine, yellow watermelon, pumpkin, butternut squash, yellow fig, cantaloupe, yellow beet, rutabaga, tangerine, yellow pepper, marigold flower
(115 mg)
Brain Support Blue Whole Food Blend
Black currant extract, lowbush blueberry, blackberry, elderberry, lingonberry extract, scholar tree bud extract, plum, black cherry extract, purple fig, passion fruit, purple kale, rhubarb, purple grape, beet, radicchio, pomegranate extract, purple onion, wolfberry (goji), acai, grape seed extract
(55 mg)
Anti-Aging Red Whole Food Blend
Noni, mangosteen, apple, apricot, cranberry, orange, peach, red raspberry, gooseberry, strawberry, tomato, red grape, red wine (alcohol free), black raspberry, bilberry, highbush blueberry, schisandra, fenugreek, watermelon
(65 mg)
Amino Acids (from spirulina, Whole Food PhytoAlgae, chia and mineral aminoates) (isoleucine, histidine, leucine, arginine, lysine, aspartic acid, methionine, serine, cysteine, glutamic acid, threonine, proline, phenylalanine, glycine, tryptophan, alanine, valine, tyrosine, glutamine, aspartate) 510 mg
Whole Food Omega Fatty Acid Blend - supplying 85 mg of Omega-3, Omega-9, and other healthful fatty acids (from chia, spirulina, sunflower seed, black currant, borage and flax) 200 mg
Enzyme Blend: Bromelain (from pineapple) (80 gelatin digesting units), amylase‡, lipase‡, papain (from papaya), betaine HCl (from beet), lactase‡, protease‡, cellulase‡, Activessence (cellulase, pectinase, hemicellulase and xylanase) ‡from brown rice fermentation 100 mg
Anti-Aging Blend: Alpha-lipoic acid, R-lipoic acid, MSM, glutathione, NAC, turmeric (std. curcumin), grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract (std. proanthocyanidins) 50 mg
Trans-Resveratrol (from standardized extracts of Polygonum cuspidatum root, grape seed [Vitis vinifera], red wine concentrate [alcohol free] [Vitis vinifera fruit]) 50 mg
Coenzyme Q10 (pharmaceutical grade) 50 mg
Inositol 50 mg
Bioflavonoids (from Citrus) (active flavonols, flavonones, flavones & naringin 13 mg) 30 mg†, Whole Food Fiber Complex: Apple pectin, arabinogalactan, modified citrus pectin, soluble oat bran, flax 30 mg†, Choline (as bitartrate) 30 mg†, Korean Ginseng Root (Panax ginseng) 25 mg†, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) 25 mg, RNA (ribonucleic acid) (from spirulina) 24 mg†, Quercetin (from Sophora japonica & Dimorphandra mollis) 10 mg†; Trace Mineral Complex (soluble prehistoric plant-based minerals and rare earth elements) 10 mg†, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) (from spirulina) 8 mg†, Chlorophyll (from spirulina) 7.5 mg†, Rutin (from Sophora japonica leaf) 5 mg†, Hesperidin (from Citrus) 5 mg†, Carotenoids (from whole foods) 4 mg†, Lutein (from marigold) 3 mg†, Eriocitrin (from Citrus) 3 mg†, Lycopene (from tomato) 2.5 mg†
Full Spectrum Probiotic Blend (28 million viable cells at time of manufacture) - supplying Lactobacillus acidophilus, FOS (fructooligosaccharides), L. plantarum, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis, L. rhamnosus, L. lactis, Bifidobacterium lactis, B. bifidum, L. sporogenes (B. coagulans), S. salivarius K12, S. salivarius M18 2 mg
Boron (as citrate) 1 mg
Octacosanol 200 mcg
† Daily Value (DV) not established.
‡‡See Multi Color Whole Food Blend.
**Whole brown rice chelate.

 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價

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關鍵字: 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 ,臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 專賣店, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 門市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 大遠百, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新光, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新光站前, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新光信義, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新光三越, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 版急, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 SOGO, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 忠孝SOGO, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新竹巨城, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 台茂, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 尚順, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 太平洋百貨, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 廣三SOGO, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 勤美綠園道, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 漢神巨蛋, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 漢神百貨, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 臺北市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新北市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 桃園市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 臺中市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 臺南市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 高雄市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 基隆市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新竹市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 嘉義市, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 新竹縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 苗栗縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 彰化縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 南投縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 雲林縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 嘉義縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 屏東縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 宜蘭縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 臺東縣, 臺南市新市區Nature's Plus, 生命之源,黃金迷你顆粒,終極多種維生素補充劑,180片大量批發價 澎湖縣